Scanning electron microscope with EDS analyzer
High-resolution scanning electron microscope SEM, equipped with an electron gun with thermal field emission (Schottky emitter) with an accelerating voltage adjustable in the range from a minimum of 200 V to 30 kV. The microscope works in high vacuum mode of 6*10-6 mbar and in low vacuum mode (<2 mbar). Depending on the measurement parameters used, it is possible to achieve high resolutions (up to 1 nm).
The microscope is equipped with a number of detectors allowing the observation of the surface topography using secondary electrons (SE) and backscattered electrons (BSE) signals. These detectors include:
TLD intra-lens detector, with the ability to operate in two immersion modes, recording the secondary electron signal (SE) and the backscattered electron signal (BSE)
ETD detector mounted in the SEM chamber to work in the basic mode, recording the secondary electrons (SE) signal
LVD detector for operation in low vacuum conditions, directly recording the secondary electron (SE) signal
Highly sensitive CBS detector with 4 sectors arranged concentrically, enabling the detection of backscattered electrons (BSE), compatible with the electron energy slowing down mode
Highly sensitive STEM transmitted electron detector with the ability to observe in bright field (BF), dark field (DF) and wide-angle dark field (HAADF).
In addition, the FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 microscope is equipped with an X-ray EDS spectrometer with a large active surface (60 mm2), enabling the detection of elements from boron upwards. The SEM/EDS system provides the possibility of qualitative analysis of samples in terms of elemental composition: point-wise, from a selected reduced area, from the entire frame, along any line (linescan) and the distribution of elements in a selected area (X-ray mapping). The EDS system has the ability to collect X-ray maps of at least 30 elements at the same time.
The Phenom G2 Pure electron microscope is a tool for the initial characterization of specimens intended for research using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), which requires a smooth transition from imaging in the optical microscope mode to imaging in the electron microscope mode while ensuring high image quality.
Basic features of the system:
Resolution: 7,8 nm
Imaging modes:
- optical: constant magnification of 20x
- electron beam: magnification of 70÷17,000x
Recording of digital images:
- optical mode: color camera
- eletron beam mode: highly sensitive backscattered electron detector
Image processing module, 17-inch touch monitor, control knob, diaphragm vacuum pumps, power supply, USB 2.0 Flash
Image saving formats: JPEG, TIFF, BMP